1. Introduction to HTML
2. Browsers and HTML
3. Editors Offline and Online
4. Tags Attribute and Elements
5. Doctype element
7. Heading
8. Paragraphs
9. Formatting Text
10. Lists
11. Links
12. Images
13. Tables
1. Introduction CSS
2. Applying CSS to HTML
3. Selectors properties and values
4. CSS Colors
5. CSS Backgrounds
6. CSS Box Model
7. CSS Margins Padding Borders
8. CSS Text and Font Properties
9. CSS General Topics
1. Introduction to JavaScript
2. Applying JavaScript (internal and external)
3. Understanding JS Syntax
4. Introduction to Document and Window Object
5. Variables
6. Operators
7. Data Types
8. Num Type Conversions
9. Math
10. String Manipulation
11. Objects
12. Arrays
13. Date and Time
14. Conditional Statements
15. Switch Case
16. Looping in JS
17. Functions
1. Introduction
2. Templating using JSX
3. Components
4. State and Props
5. Lifecycle of Components
6. Rendering List
7. Portals
8. Error Handling
9. Routers
10. Redux
11. Immutable.js
12. Redux Saga
13. Service side rendering
14. Unit testing
15. Webpack
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